raise RallyRESTAPIError(problem), when using pyral

I have been using pyral to query Rally since using Rally search (or anything Rally) is just a pain.

This worked for the longest while.

Today however I noticed that I was getting ping errors and this message:

raise RallyRESTAPIError(problem)

. Rally was slow and breaking connections in the browser as well (for the umpteenth time).

I was able to fix it using this Stackoverflow.com question. As in several other instances what worked best for me was the answer with zero points at the bottom of this question:


pyral use ping to check if the server is available so it won;t work over proxy till you update context.py in the pyral source code (comment out lines 146-150)

# reachable, problem = Pinger.ping(target_host)
# if not reachable:
# if not problem:
# problem = "host: '%s' non-existent or unreachable" % target_host
# raise RallyRESTAPIError(problem)

I’ll probably uncomment these lines once the connection to the Rally servers gets better and try again.