OK, I see that the title with the randomly changing cubes grabbed your attention. Everyone likes randomly changing colors.
The script has some comments to aid in understanding. I am just learning about this so there are probably more efficient ways of doing the same. It worked though.
The code below took probably around 12 hours to render on my 3-4 year old PC (HD, 25fps). I would practice with smaller values.
import bpy
import random
# randloc states how high the cubes will go
randloc = random.randint(-3,3)
# frame_num shows every how many frames the cube location will be set
frame_num = 10
# loop through x and y coordinates, adjust to your liking. range(1,20) for x and y will fill up a nice 20x20 area with cubes
# note: z coordinate is set with randloc
for xposition in range(1,20):
for yposition in range(1,20):
#starting frame
frame_num = 10
#add cube
cube = bpy.context.object
# name the cubes uniquely
cube.name = "Cube.00"+str(yposition)
cube_do = bpy.data.objects[cube.name]
# create a default material called visuals. without this you cannot set color
# Set length of animation. With 25 fps mine was around 4 minutes with 600 set here
for frames in range(1,600):
# set which frame is being changed
# give the material a random color and assign to cube
mat.diffuse_color = (random.random(),random.random(),random.random())
# set cube position
cube_position = (xposition*2-20,yposition*2-20,random.choice([2,0,-2]))
cube_do.location = cube_position
# set the location to the frame in question
cube_do.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", index=-1)
# set the material and color to the frame in question
# increment the frame
frame_num += 10
I set the camera position manually to focus in on the generated cubes.
Here is the result in a music video: